Because starting fresh, just feels good.

So moving into our home didn’t happen in the timely manner we had hoped it would.  We called it quits on our apartment in October, to save on November’s rent.  Honestly, we both envisioned a short period of sadness when leaving behind what was the home to our relationship for the past 8.5 years but apparently, we were over it because we left and never looked back.  I have to say, it’s kind of nice to close a door and keep it closed.

Goodbye Sagamore Apartments.

Goodbye Sagamore Apartments.  We loved you but for some reason we won’t miss you.

Our plans were to move into our new home on November 21st, the day we were handed the keys but it didn’t actually happen until a whole month later.  Right before Christmas!  Ah…the best laid plans. :/  If it were up to my husband, (which I am now starting to sympathetically realize, not much ever is) we would have been in right away but I prefer to live comfortably, not anxiously and in my eyes, it would have been pretty stressful to live amongst paint cans, pulled up carpet, open cleaning supplies and pretty much in a state of constant mess and confusion.  Why move stuff in, just to have to move it around to get stuff done?   He was anxious and excited to have a house and I was anxious and excited to make it our home.

That being said, we extended our stay at his mom’s house.  While we were there (November and much of December) my wheels were constantly turning, dreaming up plans.  I had been pinning up a storm to get ideas for bedroom colors, dining room wallpaper, outdoor spaces, DIY projects and anything else I came across that interested me in the slightest. For some, this is just a bad addiction that leads nowhere but for me it’s a constant and reliable source of inspiration and it serves as my own personal assistant when my memory fails me.  Also, I “pin” fully aware that some dreams (pins) will remain dreams (pins) forever.  #Ihavealoveaffairwithpinterest

Sharing time between our temporary house and our future home (thankfully only separated by a few miles) worked out well for us – a decision we do not regret.  While the house was nice and empty, we were able to;

Tip #1:  Kitchens take the most work and can be the dirtiest when they should be the cleanest  – so start there.  Otherwise, you will be too exhausted to give that space the attention it deserves.

If it's not cleaned by you, it's not clean enough.

If it’s not cleaned by you, it’s not clean enough.

Tip #2:  If there were cats, it has to go.  Muscles or pure angst required.

Goodbye gross green runner.

Goodbye gross green runner.

Tip #3: Pay a professional and don’t stick around.  The smell is enough to kill someone!  Do your research.  We weren’t 100% satisfied with the job and satisfaction is key when paying a lot of money.

Tip #4: If it’s a small job, do it with your partner….otherwise hire a professional.  No matter how much you love your significant other, you will want to kill them and you will need their help down the road so you may want to keep them around.

Tip #5:  Steamers can work magic in the removal process.  Thanks Dad.

We learned a steamer can work magic.

We learned a steamer can work magic.

Shades of gray.

Shades of gray.

Aside from the feeling of accomplishment after a long hard day, the best was simply being able to leave it all behind for tomorrow and head back to a cozy bed and the company of family, just one town over.  It was, in fact a relief to step away, reflect on what had been done and dream of what tomorrow would bring.

Fun Fact/Unexpected Twist:  I learned to love a dog.  It took time but that was definitely something rare, unexpected and special.   #Ineverlikeddogsbuthegrewonme #hadnochoicebecausewelivedtogether #ILoveYouMunson



My happy space is my happy place.

At 33, my life is just beginning.  Does that give you hope?  Good.

My husband and I finally have our own home.  When our eyes are open we see years of work ahead of us but when we close our eyes we see our future family, enjoying all of our hard work in their home.   That vision of our future is what makes me most excited and is what keeps me motivated every single moment of every single day.  To my detriment, this “can’t sit still/always need to be accomplishing something” attitude is what drives my husband crazy.  My brain constantly buzzes with design ideas.  My to do list is a mile long.  My wants exceed my budget.  My Pinterest is on overload.  And I’m constantly nudging him to be more like me.   Maybe I do need to tone it down a bit?  Maybe this blog will help me realize that I have in fact accomplished a lot (enough) in a short period of time.  That I am on the right (an okay) track.  That I should relax (sit down) a little and enjoy what I (what we) have, more than waiting to enjoy what we don’t (yet).  But then again…..there’s so much to do!  😉

Me and my husband the day we got the keys!

I plan to take you on this “make my house my home” journey with me.  I’ll show a lot of before and after pics letting you know what worked and what didn’t.  I’ll share details on my brave (at least brave in my mind) DIY projects and let you know if I’d do it again OR never recommend to anyone who wants to remain sane!

I will work tirelessly to make our house, our home.  I will do it, not without difficulties but happily.  I will embrace this experience knowing it is time-consuming, never-ending, expensive and exhausting.  But I will love it because…why shouldn’t I?  I promise you fun pictures and fun stories that include both successes and fails.  I hope you’ll find inspiration through my experiences and carry that inspiration into your own space.

Welcome to my home ownership!